Friday, September 09, 2005

Even more duality

*smile* you just gotta love it don't you...

I first came across duality when my university tutor showed us some thoughts of Abraham Maslow. As I remember it, Maslow's idea was that in the workplace there were satisfiers and dissatisfiers. A satisfier might be interesting work. A dissatisfier might be lack of income. The theory goes that a satisfier cannot be a dissatisfier and a dissatisfier cannot be a satisfier. So you need enough money to not be dissatisfied and you need enough interesting work to be satisfied. But you cannot compensate one with the other. So interesting work cannot balance for lack of money and money cannot balance lack of interesting work.

Whilst doing some soul work this morning I realised that I have lived my whole life trying to fill a perceived hole in my relationship with my "nurturing" figure. In all honesty I just can't fill it.

I think I may have had a false belief that I was incomplete and I suspect that if I focus on releasing the dissatisfaction rather than trying to get more satisfaction I might just find peace in this issue.


Anonymous said...

Well, good that you have it figured out finally. You will have to send me a private e-mail to tell me what "soul work" means.

The duality of life is what keeps us going on all levels.

later ...

DangerMouse said...

Soulwork... LOL... don't mean to use jargon... Aristotle said the unattended life isn't worth living... so soulwork is doing whatever disciplines that work for you that attend to the inner world and tidy it up... Jame Hollis said the greatest gift one person can give another is an attended life... this morning I was doing some releasing exercises using the Sedona Method on various aspects of relationships... and that came up afterwards...


Anonymous said...


I'll chat to you about this some more ...

Anonymous said...

Last paragraph very good!