Saturday, September 24, 2005

Disadvantage of Inerrancy #1

The doctrine of inerrancy discourages us to consider Jeremiah's writing style so we miss the fact that he was one of the great authors of all history, up there with Homer and Shakespeare.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely true. And hence we miss his gem of exactly how God will establish the latter covenant, and what the "rules" and spirit of that covenant would be.

He is most arguably my most favorite writer of the Old Testament. Without his revelation, I am afraid to say I would have been stuck in “religion” until Jesus *comes back* again – or make that until the earth moves out of the safe zone.

DangerMouse said...

lol... I think we also miss the cool writing style of isiah too... ;o)

Anonymous said...

What exactly is it about his writing style? Or should I expect this in Disadvantage #2?

DangerMouse said...

Mr Streaker.. I think you're much better qualified to analyse someone else's writing style than I.. however who would day analyse the writing style of God too critically.. few would dare judge Him right?.. however many could benefit from analysing the style of a great human who's writing has lasted so long.. all it requires is a subtle change of perspective..
