Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The other day I swore to myself that I would stop ending up in conversations that feel like endless circles. If I didn't learn so much from these people who disagree with me I'd kick the habit. Honest.

It frustates the heck out of me that few people can describe why their Gospel is good news. I am left with the feeling that maybe somewhere there is an authentic message but as sure as hell it's not right there in that particular dialog. So I started writing down some of the Gospels that I could talk about and I'm quite excited about them - maybe the feeling will wear thin, but it's a start. ;o).

So the missing books of the bible according to DangerMouse include:

The Gospel of Responsibility - the good news is if I take responsibility then my life improves
The Gospel of Awareness - the more I am aware of the more I can take responsibility for in my life
The Gospel of Releasing - the drug of choice, emotional release is the beginning of true spirituality
The Gospel of Internal Authority - as I choose what is right and wrong, my fears melt
The Gospel of Acceptance - resting in God's order is the essence of peace and happiness
The Gospel of Faith - God says it'll be alright in the end so I'll live my life in courageous belief - that stance was good enough for God to call Abraham righteous so I'll hope to acheive the same
The Gospel of Being - a long term favourite - Psalm 139 rocks - God created me and my job is to be what he created not what everyone else wants me to be

Unfortunately the Gospel of Escape from Metaphysical Eternal Punishment just doesn't entice my postmodern mind anymore but I'm happy to feed my addiction of cyclic conversation if anyone wants to tell me otherwise - for a while anyway. Each to his own I guess.

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