Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Before the fact?

"... remember to bring your awareness, as fully as possible, to the following patterns:... Over-interpreting your experience ..."

My sleepy head and half open eyes nearly digested that when I arrive on the desk this morning. The laughter of brokers squawking over the box did I have to confess interupt me from giving that thought the attention it so deserved. The quiet buzz of the trading floor gradually permeates me and the double dose of condensed caffine that a close friend refers to as the evil liquid, stires me to consider. In this half awake half asleep state I find I can connect with some of the depths of my soul, like looking through the surounding rain forest into a deep mountain pool filled by tumbling cascading waterfalls.

Hmmm. I like John Franke's thought that theology is a reflective or second order activity and I consider do I too over interpret my experience? I wonder if I theologise before I experience or after, if I try and conform my world to my God-Theories or if I allow God to emerge from the daily experience of his creation.

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