Over the last few months I've been reading various blogs and engaging in some on-line discussion. There is much well written stuff. Very well written. Beautiful even.
The only problem is it doesn't resonate. There are many great and exciting ideas and the author who is most elegant tends to win and sway opinion however I look at it and still something doesn't resonate.
I hear the ideas of emerging church, missional focus, post-modernism etc etc etc... blah blah blah... I hear both sides of the inerrancy argument, the sex before marriage argument, the whatever argument... and still nothing resonates in my heart.
I wonder if all these people are really aware what the core question really is, whether they have put aside their intellectual projects, given their minds a rest and really listened to their souls. I suspect we are all driven and controlled by that within us that is left unconcious. I recognise it all around me.
Well it's time to stray from the worn path even more in search of a better land. Will be back from time to time.
Are you walking away from asking 'those' questions in favour of some combination of "What do I WANT to do/ what do I FEEL like doing/ for ME?"
Isn't that what we've been told the naughty non-believer asks?
>> "What do I WANT to do/ what do I FEEL like doing/ for ME?"
For me it's more like asking myself what is deep inside that just is there. I believe I was created. I believe I can trust that creation. I need to let go of the rubbish that has layed on top of that creation and honour the creator by being true to the creator's design that the creator put in me.
>> Isn't that what we've been told the naughty non-believer asks?
LOL. Who told you that? Did *they* tell you that?
I think *they* are so committed to *their* own fear that *they* miss the point of God's creation. *They* are so worried about missing the mark that *they* miss the reality that is right underneath *their* noses. *They* are so distracted by searching for the truth that *they* miss the truth. "You search the scriptures because by them you think you will find eternal life...", "you have heard it said... however I say to you...". *They* got in wrong years ago. *They* still get it wrong now.
Boltono said...
**** **** bro...God IS within you...don't ever forget it...and you won't because whatever you do the callings of God are not going to be revoked...I speak as a guy who went crackers after disillusionment (am happy to talk with you privately about that!) but now am deeper in God's love than ever before....so, take care whichever girl you screw or drug you take or excess you enter...Christ is there....and His love is still going to win out.
Friend... if it's all the same to you, would you be okay to refrain from using swear words... I hope you understand... many thanks... DM
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