If God had wanted us to treat the Bible as inerrant then he could have made it perfectly clear but it seems, from the evidence, that it just wasn't all that important to him. Instead the themes of his totally sacrificial love and our responses of having faith in it and mirroring it are surely more important to him as seen by the sheer wordage and clarity devoted to those motifs.
I can hear him laughing at the nonsense we generate.
DM, I can hear him too. The nonsense we keep ourselves busy with. Hey, could you please contact me on my blog and forward me your e-mail address? I have a question to ask you offline.
thanks and peace
Good thought! I like your style!
I noticed a couple posts down that you might be calling it quits. I urge you to follow your heart, but I hope your heart tells you to keep going. Yes, I'm selfish. I think I would enjoy reading more of your thoughts.
Big league blessings!
Quits no... balancing yes... thanks for the encouragement... peace
balancing? how so?
Just curious. I realize we don't know each other, and I don't want to pry. But, is it something you can share?
I hope you don't mind that I posted your thoughts on my blog, with pointers back to yours. If it's a problem, please let me know.
Thanks again for sharing your heart.
Balancing... oh you know... balancing all the things in life... girl-friend, children, work, time for myself, distractions... I just got to make sure I don't get enticed to spend time away from my real values... so blogs need to be short and thoughtful and not to fuel my want of approval... *grin*... DM
Oh I see... so those things are more important than US???
I feel the same way. Blogging can get pretty addictive, and could become a substitute for real life. I've struggled with that myself. But, I see it lately as another "community" aspect of my life that enriches me. Anything that enriches me is good for my physical realm folks. But, you're right, it could easily become out of balance.
Great peace
Dangermouse, you get a read because you have the coolest name on the planet. Almost as cool as the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python.
Awww, lookee the little field mouse....
No, seriously, you write good stuff. Find your balance, and if blogging still fits on your scale, I'll come back and read some mmmore. ;)
You're welcome to visit the Psalter if you want. I'd love to see ya.
Well, I am thankful (not a bad word, ok) for the "scriptures" in that they confirm some of my experiences in Christ in me rather than cause me to establish a "church"!! I am thankful too, that there is absolutelky a dimension in Christ I would not have had the courage to believe in and go for had not Paul said a few things to prompt me to continue in Truth that way. You know, the H Sp (God in us) uses many things, even everyday stuff we encounter, to teach us spiritual truths, but the bible is pretty ok too.
Hey DM,
I found your blog through Bruce's link. Good thoughts. I hope you find time to share more and I do understand the balancing thing. God bless.
I agree but I don't feel innerancy requires "full clarity" on the part of God. Sometimes the "lack of clarity" we think the bible has is not a lack at all but our own devises trying to change it to condone things we shouldn't condone. Even in the bible it says "We know in part but we will know fully when we see Him as He is." There are things in the bible that He know we will not understand fully but that doesn't change the fact that we should have Faith in that. I just don't see the lack of innerancy in the bible. Sorry. :)
God revealed just as much to as as He wanted no more and no less.
>> I just don't see the lack of innerancy in the bible.
But you wouldn't would you? And in all honesty I wouldn't expect you too.
>>Sometimes the "lack of clarity" we think the bible has is not a lack at all but our own devises trying to change it to condone things we shouldn't condone.
Could you be open to the possibility that maybe the Bible is not word for word God speaking?
Would you consider that this maybe this doesn't detract in anyway from who God is or the value of the text?
Today might you allow yourself to accept these as honest possibilities?
DM, are you able to look at innerancy as honest truth as well.
Could you see the truth in God speaking word for word the Bible through men who were allowed to have their own personalities reflected in the Scriptures?
Could you see the truth that it does detract from the value of God and the text?
Could you accept the honest truth of Biblical innerancy? There are explainations for every supposed error in Scripture but people explain those away. At the same time "we only know in part as well".
I still think the so-called errors that people see are "mans devises" rather than God's. I kind of think those people are "nit-picking" God.
dh... naturally of course I can... I think for many people inerrancy is honest truth... there are many smart people who hold that view... and also many who don't... the way I see it is it just isn't necessary to believe in word for word inspiration of Christian "scriptures" in order to live a Godly life, but that isn't necessarily the way things are just the way I interpret the data available to me... I just don't think it's that important... as for nit picking I think you might find my perspectives mind blowing... I tend to read the bible the same way as I read greek mythology... recently I played with the idea of reading the text with the hermaneutic that Jesus was deranged and paul was the village idiot... that was fun... so i'm not really interested in nit-picking as you say... more wholesale masacure... *grin*... acceptance and peace... DM
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