Thursday, August 25, 2005

Awareness, denial and misdiagnosis of a problem

I have to laugh at some of the on-blog dialogs I read. You see two people going round in infinite circles, not listening to the Other. At least one but often both are in denial, lack awareness or Self and Other, and misdiagnose where the problem lies.

It saddens me as often both people's desire is to engage in mutually beneficial interaction however when one person misdiagnoses the problem the Other can't stop pressing the buttons as they distracted and are being sensitive to the wrong thing. A loving response to supposed disclosure is wasted and the person being sensitive gets frustrated as they are still inadvertently pressing the buttons when they are doing their best not to.

So my plea to all who read this is to carefully, seek to become increasingly aware and to try not to misdiagnose the source of a problem not because that is wrong but merely for the practical benefit that it allows the Other to be sensitive to the issue.

Oh, by the way, another word for misdiagnosis is blame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true champ. And I hear you, seen the same thing, and there is always the "temptation" to get pulled into such meaningless "debates."

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