I am learning balance between Self and Other. Personally I feel bashed to deny the Self. "Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me". However I think there is balance in "love your neighbour as yourself". To destroy the Self is to destroy the very source of love we posses, our very ability to love the Other. Surely to love all is the goal?
I want to converse about love. Partly because it's a lot more interesting and inspiring than inerrancy, or creation, or the atonement, or ecclesiology, or post-modernity, or modernity, or ... *grin*, but mainly because I suspect it will yield greater benefit to my Self and Others than all the talk about all those other subjects.
So for anyone going this way, let me join you in conversation and life and maybe we can learn some more of the way of love.
So friggen tried of doctrinal debates. Everyone love to throw around their pet verses, etc. etc. etc.
Well said friend!
PS: Did you ever get my e-mail?
"When I grew up, I put away childish things"
Now these three remain...faith, hope and love...
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