Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lust of Power

A while ago I went to a meeting mainly of Christian leaders talking about new forms of Church. The speakers’ subject was on their experiences of doing missionary work in a Hindu and Muslim context – one of them was Indian himself – a very humble man. I really enjoyed the personalities and characters of the speakers – their love if you like.

At a couple of points we had the chance to dialog in smaller groups. I was horrified at the amount of arrogance and need for control that many people exuded. Many appeared concerned with building their own kingdoms, lusting after their goals, and willing to prostitute themselves to get their way.

These judgements could be the projection of my own arrogance and control issues of which I certainly have had my share so for the moment so I’ll keep the assertion that these things are my perception at this point in time.

However it does strike me out of the three lusts mentioned by St John (Money, Sex & Power) that the lust of power is the weak point in the awareness of a closed minded culture. It saddens me that it is so prevalent and yet could so easily be dealt with.

In epilogue I add that I am aware how judgemental these words could seem but that judgement is not my intention. I don’t see missing the mark as wrongness to be punished but as limitation to be set free from. If I had no effective way of dealing with the limiting emotions myself then I would just accept things as they are, but I have a way and I feel therefore that I may simply try to observe without passing judgement. As someone once said “All I want is your honest reflection and partially formed opinion even as I give mine”. I concur.

1 comment:

Monk-in-Training said...

So, the Church, charmed by wealth and power, and consumed with lust for more has lost it's way. I can understand that. Something to think and pray about.