I was raised (and strongly conditioned) to be a good boy. I was told to not to hurt others, etc etc etc. I was told to be holy as God was holy.
However it all seems a little unfair when I'm not allowed to kill the firstborn to get my own way and He is. Come on guys what sort of God do we have? Someone worthy of emulating as a role model or not?
Maybe it's time to get smart as well as good?
That's like the most weird quote I have heard, ever? Maybe I am missing the point, which I know Im must be, but how is God killing his first-born a point of 'getting his way'? What if we did that...what way would be achieving exactly, we don't need kids? I mean it's funny in a twisted 'I am making no point kind of way'. But if I am wrong what do you mean by smart?
Hey hey
Thanks for the reply.
Maybe I read the story in Genesis differently. I thought God killed the first borns to get Isreal out of Egypt. He did whatever he deemed necessary to acheive his goal. I guess we could take that as a role model to inspire us however I am aware that I feel that it is not ok to take extreme action and I blame that feeling on my upbring in a church culture.
I guess I'm kind of thinking that maybe others might be feeling the same thing so I thought I'd point out the discrepancy that I perceive.
Do you see it differently? If so what do you honestly make of the slaughter?
I guess I do see it differently, then again I speak as someone who's people have been enslaved by another culture. Do I think the slaughter needed to happen and do I wish it didn't, yes for both.
The people of Hebraic origin were an enslaved people with no real source of help. So what if God stepped in and did something to free them from bondage. I didn't live in their days but I can imagine God frowned upon the situation, but I think that because I frown upon slavery that happened in the America's. Taking a good, close, hard look at how people in slavery are treated makes one person sick to their stomach. It's basically the value of one race being better then another and that then entails the right to abuse that race. But that's an equality thing when you think about it. Who's to say the Egyptians weren't playing god with the Hebraic babies all along, which I would guess is true. They somehow deemed that Hebraic race lesser than and cared less if they lived or died.
At the same time I am a pacifist at heart and violence really does bug me. I wish that didn't have to happen that way for Egypt but I am not there with Moses and the others. I am actually here with slavery just a distant memory away in the America's and the destruction of Native cultures for cololianistic empire of Britian. I don't want to react in violence but if, like Moses, I see my people around me being killed in the name of politix then I have to stand against that. I guess it's easy to be a pacifist when I am in a convenient society but facts are, it wasn't always that way.
Still if there is a hypocrisy about that I don't see it. I think it plays upon basic issues of race, slavery and equality. It may not look fair that God did that but I don't think it fair for a single human to be enslaved, knowing the freedom I have at my fingertips.
"He did whatever he deemed necessary to acheive his goal. I guess we could take that as a role model to inspire us ..." I don't think God did whatever he wanted in that situation, I think Egypt wouldn't let it go, they had to prove this was 'no god' at all. I think there is a lesson to be learned but it's not 'by any means neccasary'.
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