Wednesday, November 02, 2005


What if sin is the fear of death?

What if the serpent did lie when he said you will surely die?

What if everything after that point was written from the perspective that we did die?

What if the mindset that we are dead or that death is inevitable is fallenness?

What if the Gospel is about escaping that mindset and the fruits of it?

What if the Gospel is about new life?

What if the message of the Gospel is that there is no death?

What if the idea of needing to perform a special ritual to escape death is just an immature ego manifesting as a religious mindest?

Just a thought..



Unknown said...

Heresy? Hmmm...

Well, it was God who said, "you will die." It was the serpent who said "no you won't." So yes, I believe the serpent lied [/grin].

I don't know what that does to the logic of the questions that follow, but the idea that death is just our mistaken mindset brings to mind the prosperity preacher who told the welfare mother that she was actually rich and that, once she accepted that fact, then the Lord would start releasing the blessing (pronounced "cash") to her.

Don't get me wrong, DM. I'm not comparing you to that guy. God forbid. I'm just saying the logic has some points in common.

...unless you're getting ready to ask me for a seed-faith gift :-)

DangerMouse said...

LOL... oops I totally got that the wrong way round didn't I... oh well... I won't delete the entry but the logic is wrong...

Still searching...